Experiences of patients

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Maria Boom

“I think most people do not realise the importance...’’

Mrs. Boom suffered from an intracranial hemorrhage at birth. As a result, she has suffered from various "inexplicable" conditions throughout her life. And because of those conditions she regularly contacts healthcare providers.
Maria Boom

"My pharmacy already had two branches that exchanged information. I always found that to be very handy. Of course, I immediately gave my permission when the pharmacy sent me a letter containing information about the National Exchange Point (LSP) together with a consent form. By making my medical data accessible, acting GP's and specialists can get a much better impression of what is bothering me and which medication I am using. My medication is better coordinated, which makes it easier and safer.

I am not worried about the security of my data. In emergency situations, it is very important that helathcare providers can get check a medical file. They should not lose valuable time searching (for information). The better medical data is accessible, the faster they can respond. I think people do not realise the importance..."



Ik heb nog geen toestemming gegeven om mijn medische gegevens te delen

Giving permission