Frequently Asked Questions

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People with a possible Corona infection are often seen at the after hours medical centre, the emergency department of a hospital or at a specially equipped Corona post. If the acting doctor or A&E doctor on duty has access to the current medical data of the patient's own GP, patients can be helped more quickly and adequately.

A summary of the GP's data can be consulted at the after hours medical centre through the LSP. But this normally only applies to people who have given prior permission to their GP or via

This temporary measure concerns Dutch residents who have not yet made a choice. As a result, the summary of their medical data can also be consulted at the after hours medical centre and the emergency department. As a result, they can also receive the right care and should shorten waiting times.

On 8th April 2020, the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Hugo de Jonge, signed a 'tolerance decree' which temporarily makes it possible to consult a summary of the medical information of the GP at the after hours medical centre and the emergency department. This tolerance decree is supported by the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the Public Prosecution Service and the Healthcare and Youth Care Inspectorate. Various organisations of general practitioners and hospitals (LHV, InEen, NVZ), the Dutch Patient Federation, Dutch Healthcare Insurers, VZVZ and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport are jointly represented in the working group that arranges temporary exchange through the LSP.

The Corona opt-in is a temporary emergency facility that has been developed for the duration of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Netherlands. This facilitates consulting the professional summaries at the after hours medical centre or at a hospital's emergency department, of patients who have not yet given permission for sharing their information.

The Corona opt-in works like this: GPs inform the LSP about which patients they have information. This also applies to patients who have not (yet) made a choice for permission to share their medical data. The newly shared data will receive a digital corona note, so that the data can no longer be consulted after the Corona crisis. Information of patients who have actively indicated that they do not consent (‘No’) is not shared.

The data remains with the GP and is therefore not stored centrally. The data can only be consulted at after hours medical centre and emergency departments.

From 14th April 2020, the summaries of the GP's files will be made available through the LSP. From that moment on, it will take 1 to 2 weeks before the data of all approximately 8 million people concerned can be consulted at the GP. It may take a little longer at the after hours medical centre because they still have to connect to the LSP.

This temporary measure will apply as long as the government is taking measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. When the Corona crisis is over, we will go back to the old situation and all so-called Corona opt-ins will be removed from the LSP. From that moment on, the data of the GP can no longer be consulted, just as it is now.

Of course you will be treated. But without the current data from your own GP, it is more difficult for the healthcare providers to provide the proper care right away. They have to ask a lot of additional questions. If you wish, you can always convert your 'no' into a 'yes' via

Every Corona opt-in receives a digital marker. Once the crisis is over, those marked permissions will be undone. From that moment on, the data of the GP can no longer be consulted, just as it is now.

Volgjezorg offers you the opportunity to see which institution has requested your data. You can also see whether this was successful. . This does not mean that the data has also been viewed and used. Only the healthcare provider who has requested the data also knows whether the data was actually viewed. You do need DigiD for that. If something is not right, please contact VZVZ and/or the relevant care provider.

As a patient you are in control. If you have previously indicated to your GP or via our site that you do not want your data to be shared, then the data will not be available at the after hours medical centre or the emergency department. If you have not yet made a choice and do not want your data to be shared, please indicate your choice on

You can arrange your consent (both a 'YES' and a 'NO') in three ways:

  • Option 1: Tell your doctor and pharmacies
  • Option 2: Give them a completed consent form
  • Option 3: Arrange it online at Volgjezorg*

*You can arrange online by logging in to your 'Personal Portal'. Go to 'Permissions' and click on 'Healthcare provider +'. Find your healthcare provider and click on it. You can now indicate 'Yes' or 'No'. This ensures that an 'opt-in' or 'opt-out' is sent to the healthcare provider.

Please note: you can only arrange your permission online if your healthcare provider is connected to Volgjezorg and the LSP. If your GP or pharmacy is not, you can fill out a form online and print it. You then hand this in to your healthcare provider(s).

Processing that choice by the general practitioner / pharmacy may take a little longer than usual due to the Corona crisis.

The temporary the corona opt-in has been reviewed by the Dutch Data Protection Authority to ensure that it meets all legal requirements.

The data of people who have explicitly not given permission to share their data will not be shared. In terms of safety, the National Exchange Point (LSP) meets all legal requirements. The corona opt-in makes use of the LSP and thus of the safety guarantees built into it.

Everyone can see what happens with their own medical data via which data has been shared through the LSP, which healthcare provider(s) have viewed that information, and when.

It is still possible to indicate via whether or not you want your data to be shared. This does not happen automatically. Due to the current busy circumstances, the administrative processing of your choice may take a little longer.

You can arrange your consent (both a 'YES' and a 'NO') in three ways:

  • Option 1: Tell your doctor and pharmacies
  • Option 2: Give them a completed consent form
  • Option 3: Arrange it online at Volgjezorg*

*You can arrange online by logging in to your 'Personal Portal'. Go to 'Permissions' and click on 'Healthcare provider +'. Find your healthcare provider and click on it. You can now indicate 'Yes' or 'No'. This ensures that an 'opt-in' or 'opt-out' is sent to the healthcare provider.

Please note: you can only arrange your permission online if your healthcare provider is connected to Volgjezorg and the LSP. If your GP or pharmacy is not, you can fill out a form online and print it. You then hand this in to your healthcare provider(s).

Processing that choice by the general practitioner / pharmacy may take a little longer than usual due to the Corona crisis.

Tell your allergies on admission


Both the GP and the pharmacy can include a patient's ICA-data in their file. ICA means intolerances, contraindications and allergies. Those are reasons why you should not have certain medicines or in different doses. The ICA-data is part of the medical information that fellow healthcare providers can view for the purpose of treating their patient.

Unintended side-effect of the temporary Corona opt-in

The temporary measure that now applies in the context of the Corona crisis, the Corona opt-in, only provides for the exchange of your data between your GP and after hours medical centre (and/or emergency department). This concerns GP data including ICA-data. However, due to the design of the National Exchange Point (LSP), it is possible that pharmacists can also view the ICA-part of a patient's data with the Corona opt-in. That is an unintended effect of the temporary Corona opt-in.


Therefore, all parties that developed and implemented the emergency Corona opt-in have decided not to make the ICA-data of patients with a Corona opt-in available. It is therefore very important that you tell your healthcare providers what your allergies are when you contact the after hours medical centre or the emergency department.



Ik heb nog geen toestemming gegeven om mijn medische gegevens te delen

Giving permission