Frequently Asked Questions

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The best and fastest way is to contact the relevant healthcare provider yourself. Your healthcare provider is responsible for turning your permission on and off. If you are unable to reach an agreement with your healthcare provider, please contact Volgjezorg.

No. Giving permission is a free choice and not an obligation. Your healthcare provider may not refuse care if you do not give permission. Keep in mind that in order to provide good care, it is important to have as complete an overview as possible of your medical data.

Yes, this is possible. For more information see 'Arrange permission for someone else'.

No, you give your GP and your pharmacies permission once. They will register your citizen service number (BSN) with the National Exchange Point (LSP). Other healthcare providers can then view your medical data if this is necessary for your treatment.

You can always ask your GP and your pharmacies about this. You can also log into your Personal Portal on Volgjezorg and view an Overview of Permissions.

Yes, you can. You can always indicate to your GP and pharmacies that you want to give permission. But they will not yet be able to share medical information about you with other healthcare providers. They can only share medical data after they have been connected to the LSP. Check with your healthcare providers for more information.

No, not via the National Exchange Point (LSP). If you have not given permission, then:

  1. Your healthcare provider has not registered you on the LSP and your citizen service number (BSN) is therefore not known to the LSP.
  2. However, another healthcare provider who treats you may request your data. But will receive no information.
  3. You can see see this in your Exchange overview in your Personal Portal on Volgjezorg. You will then see that your healthcare provider has made a request, but it was 'unsuccessful'.

Keep in mind that healthcare providers sometimes use other (regional) networks than the LSP to exchange medical data with each other. You can ask your doctor and pharmacies for more information.

No that is not possible. Everyone from the age of 16 gives permission for themselves.

It is possible that your online permission has not yet been processed by your healthcare provider. It is best to contact your healthcare provider to find out why your permission has not yet been processed. Your healthcare provider must process the permission in his computer system. Volgjezorg cannot do that. If your healthcare provider has problems with processing or he does not want to process your permission(s), please contact Volgjezorg.

This can have various causes. Your healthcare provider may have changed name(s) or switched to other computer systems. Your permission need to be transferred to the new (company) name or computer systems. You will then receive a notification and it will appear that your permission has been given again. If you have any questions about this, please contact your healthcare provider.

Usually you will only see one permission per healthcare provider.

Sometimes, however, you will see multiple permissions for the same GP in your overview. This is not a mistake, but this is due to how your GP's computer system works. In some systems, the data in your file is split up into a "summary GP file" and separate "medication data". If that is the case, you will see this as two separate permissions for the same GP.

In other systems, that medication data is simply part of the "summary GP file". If so, you will only see one permission for the GP in your overview.

This usually means that there have been changes in the system your healthcare provider uses. For example, your healthcare provider may have switched to another programme in which he / she keeps your file. It is also possible your care provider has changed names. For example, by collaborating with other doctors or by taking over a practice or pharmacy.

If you want to know exactly what and why something has changed, please contact your healthcare provider yourself.

Check if you may have made a typo.

If you are not sure how to spell the name, enter the first few letters of the name, and immediately put an * (asterisk) behind it. For example: If you search on 'Jans*', you will also see results for the names 'Jansen', 'Janssens', 'Janssen-de Hoogh'.

If you cannot find your healthcare provider it could be your healthcare provider is known to Volgjezorg under a different name. For example, if several doctors work in a practice. Please contact your healthcare provider yourself, and tell them that you want to arrange permission.

In your Permissions-overview you can see which healthcare providers share information about you with other healthcare providers. You can also see from which date they started sharing your information.

Using you can only arrange permission for your general practitioner and pharmacies. But on the overview you can also come across other types of healthcare providers to whom you have given permission, either orally or through a consent form. These could be: a medical specialist in a hospital, a psychiatrist in a mental health institution (GGZ), a doctor in an institution for the mentally handicapped, or a specialist in an institution for care, nursing or home care.

Yes, you can give permission in three ways:

  • Option 1: Say it to your GP and pharmacies (verbal permission)
  • Option 2: Give them a completed permission form
  • Option 3: Arrange it online at Volgjezorg

Read more about this on the Permission page.

This depends on your healthcare provider.

If you arrange permission online through your Personal Portal, you can enter your e-mail address. You will receive a notification when your healthcare provider has processed your permission.

Sometimes a healthcare provider can not process the permission. For example because your data does not match the data in his system. If that is the case, you will also receive a notification.

If you have given your healthcare provider(s) the consent form yourself, you can ask them whether your permission has been processed. You can also check it yourself. Log in to your Personal Portal and look in the 'Permissions Overview' online.


Yes, that's possible. See the 'Revoking permission'-page for more information.

Are you the legal representative of a client in an institution for the mentally disabled? Then it is also very important to give permission for the eschange of that client's medical data. In addition to the 'Volgjezorg-leaflet', pease also read the appendix 'Toestemming Arts voor Verstandelijk Gehandicapten'.

Arrange permission using one of the following permission forms (both forms are in Dutch:

That is not possible. Everyone 16 years and up must give permission for themselves.

No, not through the National Exchange Point. If you have not given permission, your GP and your pharmacists may not share your medical data with other healthcare providers. But sometimes healthcare providers use other (regional) networks to exchange medical data. Ask your GP and pharmacist for more information.

Yes, you can. You can always tell your GP and pharmacist that you want to give permission for exchanging your medical data. However they cannot share your medical information with other healthcare providers if they have not yet connected to the National Exchange Point. Ask your healthcare providers for more information.

Ask your GP and / or your pharmacies. You can also see a tracking overview on Volgjezorg in your Personal Portal. There you can see which healthcare providers have made your medical records available and which ones have accessed them. Healthcare providers may only make your information available if you have given prior permission.

No. You have to give permission to your GP and pharmacists only once. With your permission they can make your medical data available to other healthcare providers. Other healthcare providers do not need permission for accessing your data.



Ik heb nog geen toestemming gegeven om mijn medische gegevens te delen

Giving permission